50 members of the JFK Funeral cortege. Felt-tip and photocopy. 50 numbered members of the JFK Funeral cortege. Numbered stickers, green stickers and photocopy. I have recently been thinking about order in my art, the idea of placing a structure over a seemingly random event.
Postcard wiht rectangular day-glo stickers. 15:1:6 Postcard with day-glo circular stickers, the amount of stickers on the work is the amount of stickers that are on a single sheet, so the decision when to stop putting on stickers is decided by the manufacturer. 15:1:7 Postcard with gloss circular stickers. 15:1:8 Postcard with circular dotty stickers 15:1:9
Postcard with re-positioned cut-outs. 15:1:1 Postcard with repositioned cut-outs. 15:1:2 Postcard with repositioned cut-out and gloss stickers. 15:1:3 Postcard with Gloss stickers. 15:1:4 Postcard with Gloss stickers, as above. 15:1:4 Postcard with cut-out holes (removed). 15:1:5
Selected pages from a sketchbook project for the Art House Co-op. I set myself rules on how to make the work, a circle cut-out of a member of the Kennedy Family, a sticker in the shape of a star, silver tape and interlinking lines. Details of the project can be found here
In my work I try to make the ordinary extra-ordinary, using imagery that some may find difficult, and quietly communicating this immensity. I am particularly intrested in the idea of the sublime.