Thursday 28 October 2010

Mistley viewing

I have been to my friend J's house today, discussing our forthcoming show in the Trove Gallery in Birmingham. We did talk about silver glitter being all pervasive and gold-leafed suitcase interiors. We also talked about; her neighbours' dog who left muddy footprints on the newly washed kitchen floor, the beagle who made whooping barking noises and the man who walked by with a huge rucksack and a pram full of what looked like a life times belongings and the large lorry with an enormous tree on it. She has a great way of working, upstairs in the morning with the sunshine and then downstairs in the afternoon with the passers-by walking their dogs and the view. Then we came back to gold words on newsprint, silver point drawings of Queens, candle-lit interiors and torches. It was a great afternoon, thanks J!

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